With the ever increasing popularity of social networking websites such as MySpace.com, more and more jobs are starting to search for the dirt on you. Everything you’ve written on your blog, myspace, or even posted on a flickr account is available to the whole internet. What you’ve posted years ago could come back to haunt you.
Meet Reputation Defender, a service claiming to “destroy” all traces of what you’ve posted in the past. Their service claims to work on MySpace, Facebook, Xanga, Bebo, Flickr, and YouTube. It doesn’t go into detail on how they do this however. They say they will scrape the internet looking for every trace of you, and present it in a monthly report.
To DESTROY, at your command, all inaccurate, inappropriate, hurtful, and slanderous information about you and/or your child using our proprietary in-house methodology.
The site is more geared toward parents protecting their child, or themselves. Some situations it would be used for are applying for a job, a school, or meeting others online. A 6-month membership is going to cost $15.95. Seems like a fair price to pay to dig up some dirt on your worst enemy 😉